I am sure many of you have heard about the imminent worldly transition from plastic to recycled bags in shopping centers. Well, if you haven’t, many stores and places are no longer giving out free plastic bags in an effort to reduce harmful plastic waste, so they are trying to make people switch to recycled grocery bags. Many people are upset about this transition, like my mother, because she likes to use the bags for trash bags, and in a way that is recycling. But then there are people like me, that want to make the complete change. We are truly killing our planet. Everything from the water we drink, to the air we breath is contaminated, and in order to fix this mess we need to take action NOW, and as a whole. And that is why I am trying to reduce my carbon footprint, and I am starting to use recycled bags. I purchased a couple of recycled bags for shopping, and I plan on using them in an effort to change my mindset. And I say my mindset because obviously I am not naïve that my change is not going to make a big impact in the world, but at least I will know that I am living a little greener. I know that many people in this world, all over, will continue to habitually contaminate the world, which is deeply unfortunate for our future generations. At least, I will try to live a little lighter.
Plus, they are super cute. ;)